Statoil conducted a commercial assay of Grane crude oil from a sample taken Mar. 18, 2012.
The company developed Grane oil field in the North Sea with an integrated accommodation, processing, and drilling platform with a fixed steel frame construction resting on the seabed. The platform sits on Block 25/11, about 185 km west of Haugesund (see inset map), in water 127 m deep. Cyclopentane Isomers

The field, discovered by Norsk Hydro in 1991 and placed on stream in September 2003, is the first field on the Norwegian continental shelf to produce heavy crude oil (OGJ Online, Sept. 23, 2003).
This oil differs from other types, according to Statoil, in that it occurs in "younger geological formations than what is usual on the continental shelf, namely in sandstone from the Tertiary period, deposited around 60 million years ago."
When Grane field came on stream, Statoil estimated its recoverable reserves to total 700 million bbl of oil.
Partners in Grane are ConocoPhillips Skandinavia (6.17%); ExxonMobil E&P Norway (28.22%); Petoro (28.94%); and Statoil (36.66%), which operates the field.
Grane oil moves via pipeline to Statoil's Sture terminal in Oygarden, near Bergen in western Norway. The terminal receives production via pipeline from the Oseberg area as well.
Oseberg-area crude and condensate (light oil) move via the 115-km Oseberg Transport System, which starts at the A platform on the field. Crude from Grane travels through the 212-km Grane Oil Pipeline.
At Sture, two jetties can berth tankers up to 300,000 dwt, and five artificial rock caverns can store up to 1 million cu m of crude. In addition, a 60,000-cu m cavern can store LPG, and another ballast water cavern can hold up to 200,000 cu m.
Processing at Sture recovers the lightest components from the crude, which are extracted as an LPG mix (propane and butane) and as naphtha. Stabilized crude and LPG mix are stored in the rock caverns before being shipped out over the jetties.
LPG mix and naphtha are also transported from the terminal through the Vestprosess pipeline to Mongstad.
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9397
Dry oil density at 15° C., kg/l: 0.9388
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 2.3
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 308
Kin. vis. at 40° C., cst: 86.5
Salt as NaCl, mg/l.: 470
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.6960
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Vapor pressure (DVPE1), kPa: NES1
Research octane no. (RON): NES
Motor octane no. (MON): NES
Research octane no. (RON): NES2
Motor octane no. (MON): NES2
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7361
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Vapor pressure (DVPE), kPa: NES
Research octane no. (RON): NES
Motor octane no. (MON): NES
Research octane no. (RON): NES2
Motor octane no. (MON): NES2
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.7759
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Research octane no. (RON): NES
Motor octane no. (MON): NES
Research octane no. (RON): NES2
Motor octane no. (MON): NES2
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8120
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.01
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 1.21
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 0.84
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8459
Mercaptan sulfur, mg/kg: <3
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.02
Cold filter plugging point, °C.: <–48
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 2.17
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 1.34
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.8850
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 0.27
Cold filter plugging point, °C.: –33
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 6.56
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 3.00
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9199
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 1.6
Cold filter plugging point, °C.: 313
Conradson carbon residue, mass %: <0.10
Kin. vis. at 20° C., cst: 35.4
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 9.61
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 2.82
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9426
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 2.2
Conradson carbon residue, mass %: <0.10
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 45.8
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 7.25
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9575
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 3.1
Kin. vis. at 50° C., cst: 211
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 17.7
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 0.9852
Total acid no., mg KOH/g: 2.6
Kin. vis. at 80° C., cst: 346
Kin. vis. at 100° C., cst: 119
Density at 15° C., kg/l.: 41.0159
Kin. vis. at 135° C., cst: 335
Kin. vis. at 145° C., cst: 211
Penetration at 25° C., 0.1 mm: 40 mm
1ND: not detectable; NES = not enough sample; DVPE = dry vapor pressure equivalent; HPLC = high-performance liquid chromatography. 2Corrected in accordance with EN 228. 3CFPP high due to velocity effects. 4Calculated density for 525o+ fraction.

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