Keep rodents out of your house – check inside and outside for gaps or holes and seal any holes you find. Check for small and large holes – mice can fit through a hole the width of a pencil (1/4 inch or 6 millimeters in diameter).
Using lath metal to seal gaps around pipes. Reusable Plastic Forks

Using caulk to seal gaps between the home foundation and ground.
Seal any holes you find to stop rodents from entering. Fill small holes with steel wool. Put caulk around the steel wool to keep it in place or use spray foam. Use lath screen or lath metal, cement, hardware cloth, or metal sheeting to fix larger holes. Cut material to fit around pipes. Fix gaps in trailer skirting and use flashing around the base of the house. Outbuildings and garages should also be sealed to prevent the entrance of rodents.
We recommend contacting your local or state health department if there is concern of a rodent infestation or guidance is needed on what to do for a specific home or situation. A pest control specialist may be consulted if rodents have gotten into areas that cannot be reached to clean.

Disposable Spoon And Fork Rodents are attracted to food and water sources, as well as places that are convenient for them to build nests.